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Topics - JokerJJ

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Dear Sirs,
can you recommend me reliable hosting for a maximum of $25 per month to have ultra fast loading pages.
Please give concrete help because I searched in a variety of companies remained very confused and I apologize in advance to the dictionary because I use a translator.
Would like to know your views on rockhoster.com website hosting solutions?
Thank you for your specific recommendations.

I want dedicated server, please suggest me which provider is good for me as per my requirement.
Budget 140-150$
Processor E3 1230v2, Ram 16GB, Hard Disk 1TB x 2, Bandwidth Normal 3tb, 5tb
Need good uptime and support for OS reload etc.
I searched GTHost.com instant web servers. Do you think I can trust them?
What other hosts can you recommend me to visit?

Hello forum, i'm currently using a human managed server, that i always monitor. So i want to look for a VPS solution that will fit my needs.
First of all it will be running 5 websites, 3 with some traffic and 2 of them almost dead.
When i say traffic, i'm talking about a maximum of 300 users browsing some picture galleries (max 150k each picture) on 3 of the websites.
The rest are static HTML pages, noone will manage them.
Question is, do you think that a 2 core processor, 3gb ram, 100 GB SSD will be enough?
What are your views on Greenwebpage.com solutions? Can I trust them? Any feedbacks?
Thank you!

Hello guys,
I'm looking for a VPS provider on EU node that is using Windows Server for a Good Price I can go Up to 40 euro / month
anyone know where I can find it ? Are QHoster.com and Libertyvps.net solutions reliable? Any reviews, please?

Thanks in advance

I'm coming across https://www.kvchosting.net/cheapvpshosting.html
Do you believe they have the cheapest options?

Are you aware of good RDP service providers?
I managed to find
Is that good?

I wonder what is the best Wordpress Hosting you know?
Is that good one ?

I'm looking for dedicated server located in Paris.
I discovered https://gthost.com/paris-dedicated-servers/
Are they good enough?

I would like to ask about the most reliable hosts in Europe (Germany):
75 gbs of disk space, 2 tbs of bandwidth, Windows.
24/7 tech support
What are your views on cloudarion.com windows vps hosting packages?

Thank you for reading the post , I'm looking for a reliable provider who are providing dedicated server with DDoS Protection.
So , I'm searching a reliable provider who provide me upto 10 GBPS Free DDoS Protection , & of course i need managed support.
As I see some of provider offering Free DDoS Protection with their servers.
What are your views on Tzulo.com server hosting?
So , if you have any suggestions , please write me.

General Dedicated Server Hosting Discussion / Looking for VPS hosting
« on: April 20, 2022, 03:00:03 AM »
I would like to ask for some expert help in order to help me to choose the hosting provider.
What do you think about cloudarion.com e-commerce SSD VPS hosting?
The reason for my request is that I am looking for a good place where I can order VPS e-hosting solution - this host seems to be good for me.
Do you know anything about it? Other hosting options?

I decided to ask forum members if they know about this host...
I have found out that GThost.com has stable servers in the USA and this what I need.
The only thing I am worrying about is the reliability on this hosting provider.

Will it be worth to deal with them? Do they offer any discounts?

General Dedicated Server Hosting Discussion / Thai VPS hosting required
« on: February 21, 2022, 06:21:06 AM »
Dear Sirs,
can you recommend me reliable hosting for a maximum of $25 per month to have ultra fast loading pages.
Please give concrete help because I searched in a variety of companies remained very confused and I apologize in advance to the dictionary because I use a translator.
Would like to know your views on xxiwebhosting.com Thai VPS hosting solutions?
Thank you for your specific recommendations.

I decided to make a notion on the hosting market with specials and discount codes on hosting deals.
I've found NetShop ISP special: https://netshop-isp.com.cy/offers/
What are your views?
Anything to add here?


Do you know any good Static WordPress sites tool generator and manager?
Having done a search, found an all-in-one platform used to build and manage WordPress websites.
It is FLATsite.com - have you ever used it? Any experiences?
Any inputs, please?

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