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Author Topic: Why choose a hosting PARTNER and NOT a hosting PROVIDER?  (Read 2610 times)


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Why choose a hosting PARTNER and NOT a hosting PROVIDER?
« on: August 14, 2014, 09:56:00 AM »

Embarking on a journey in search of the right hosting solutions often leads customers to take hasty decisions in terms of few compromises they make. Often these compromises are made by risking;

A. Price/Cost B. Performance C. Support D. Security

The above considerations, in many cases lands up a customer, to the doors of a Hosting provider for whom their clients represent just another number to achieve monthly revenue targets OR as contributors to hefty margins. Hence, as an informed customer it is important that one needs to identify and choose a hosting PARTNER for meeting the hosting needs and not a meagre hosting provider tagging you with another numerical figure on their business records. Here is how you can exercise caution;

1. Avoid the low price/discount traps: - Customers who are not technically well informed always get lured to lowest prices available in the market. Hosting providers tend to lower their technical configurations in terms of memory (RAM), Hard Disk capacity and bandwidth limits to offer the lowest prices. Chasing the lowest prices in the market forces the customers to end up signing up for the service that requires expensive upgrades. The hosting providers eventually meet their margins ignoring your appropriate needs.

2. Avoid “Old wine in new bottle” selling concepts: - Most hosting providers adopt this technique by blending in technical jargons and semantics in projecting the features of their solutions. These features however would be available in the services you order by default.

3. Ensure you get Support and minimum service levels offered: - Hosting providers tend to push back the help when customers require them the most by extending exhaustive support literature and media. Ask for support level types, timings and medium of support available. This is where most of the hosting providers lag behind with many even having a response delay of more than 24 hours and support available only with limited number of emails.

4. Ensure that you get proper resources for managing the hosting services you have availed: - Many hosting providers charge heavily to use applications that will help you manage your private and public cloud servers.

5. Ensure basic security and advanced security options and backup solutions are offered: - Hosting providers work on margins and try to minimize cost. Firewall configurations often require manual intervention, so as to reduce the personnel costs they compromise security of the customer data.

6. Ensure that legal versions of licenses for OS and applications are offered:- Few hosting providers are always making to make a quick buck by offering customers cracked versions, eventually increasing the legal risk for customers.

Thus, an informed decision making by following the above aspects will help you choose the right hosting PARTNER for your hosting needs.

We at Datasoft Networks www.datasoft.ws prioritize our customers need by extending Round the clock 24/7 chat support with personalized communications via email alerts & reminders, centralized management center for Private and public cloud servers affordable pricing, increased security and back up options with legitimate licensed products, which is all our hallmark. To sum it up we prefer to be hosting PARTNERS to our customers and just not other Hosting service provider. Visit us at www.datasoft.ws to learn more how you can partner with us to meet your hosting needs.
