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Author Topic: What is Virtual Dedicated server hosting?  (Read 2280 times)


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What is Virtual Dedicated server hosting?
« on: March 01, 2021, 07:00:57 AM »
A dedicated server is a server that’s literally dedicated to your own personal use. You’ll have rights to all of the resources of the machine, and you’ll be able to configure the hosting environment however you wish.

Dedicated hosts are usually only worthwhile if you’re receiving over 500,000 visitors per month and have the necessary technical staff to maintain and optimize your server.

There is no right and wrong when it comes to hosting. Instead, it simply depends upon what’s the best choice for your website. We all have different needs. So make sure you take stock of what kind of hosting support you’ll need before you choose a web host.

However, since dedicated servers are almost always more expensive it’s generally a good idea to start with a VPS until your company is generating enough revenue to support the cost of a dedicated server.

In addition to potentially getting you more resources, the big advantage of this approach is that you have full control over the actual physical hardware inside your server and the software that’s running on it.

For example, maybe you prefer AMD processors to Intel processors – you have that level of control with a dedicated server. You can also control every single piece of software on that physical hardware.

I hope this information will be helpful!
Mark Wilson