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File Transfer protocol(FTP)

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File Transfer protocol
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Voting closed: July 31, 2014, 02:25:37 AM

Author Topic: File Transfer protocol(FTP)  (Read 3931 times)


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File Transfer protocol(FTP)
« on: July 26, 2014, 02:25:37 AM »
File Transfer protocol(FTP)

FTP is a network protocol.used for transfer data from one computer to another through
a network.such as the internet,FTP is a file transferprotocol of exchanging and manipulating
files ove a TCP/IP computer network.FTP client may connect to FTP server to manipute files in that server.

Defualt port number of FTP server is 21.

FTP server requrments.
* server side OS(2003/2008/2012)
* Manual IP address.
* For accessing a FTP site to a particular  name(www.datasoft.ws)we wand a properly
  Working IIS and DNS service.

FTP Installation for windows server
Start-->settings-->control panel-->add-remove programs-->
add or remove windows components-->open application server-->IIS service-->
File transfer protocol-->Ok-->next
