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Author Topic: Life - saving simple tips for an effective Server/Database Disaster Recovery pro  (Read 3133 times)


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Most of the small medium companies do not have an established long term disaster recovery strategy in case server/service fails due to hardware issue or hacking or DDOS attack or even because of a simple human mistake. Disaster recovery is a form of insurance to protect your IT assets when a disaster strikes, and disasters are unpredictable. Especially for important assets like servers it is important that we ensure their availability when required without any discrepancy. In this scenario following few simple steps can ensure high availability.

Here is how we can adopt few PREVENTATIVE measures that will save us from being REACTIVE;

1. Maintain daily BACK UP’s: Adopt a scheduled and disciplined approach in maintaining BACK UP of our important IT assets.
2. Premium Support: Be prepared, rely on your technically skilled employees and knowledge base.
3. Follow fool proof firewall practices: Maintaining a firewall and filtering the authentic traffic often requires manual intervention.
4. Add a second hard drive: Add to your redundant resources in terms of hardware.
5. DDOS Protection: Protect your selves from malicious attacks caused by over flooded traffic to your virtual assets.

At Datasoft Networks , we understand our customer’s needs. Having dedicated resources both in terms of hardware and skilled personnel can be expensive. In order to economically align with our customer needs and overcome the painstaking efforts to establish a reliable Disaster Recovery Plan we offer the following services;

1. Database and Server Daily Backup services for $9/month and $19/month respectively.
2. Premium Tech support from our skilled IT personnel for $29/month.
3. Firewall Configuration is included with our Premium Support.
4. Order a second hard drive from upgrade/downgrade option for a server.
5. Advanced DDOS protection packages for your virtual servers for $19/month for cloud servers and $29/month for servers.

Learn more about these services at www.datasoft.ws
