Hey there!
I'm not aware of libertyvps.net and legionbox.com; however, I would suggest that you look into reviews and support services before settling on a company since many firms just provide ticket assistance, which takes a while to complete. Check out internet reviews.
Consider the following characteristics that a solid and dependable hosting service should supply as well:
Reliability – A good VPS hosting provider should have a good track record in terms of uptime reliability.
Server Security – Be sure that your provider assures you of stringent security programs and policies for their servers.
Standard top-of-the-line hardware – Among the top considerations for a good VPS provider is the hardware where your virtual private space is housed. It should include a top-of-the-line CPU, dedicated RAM, and a sizeable storage area.
Customizability – A good should be easily customized to fit your needs and requirements.
Affordability – As VPS is like a hybrid between a dedicated server and a shared server, a good VPS plan should not be able to deliver you the freedom and power of a dedicated server but with a price comparable to that of a shared server.
Freedom and Control – An ideal VPS account gives owners the freedom and control over their own private space, with the decisive power on the operating system and the applications he/she wants to install and use.
Individual gateway - should offer Individual Web, POP, FTP, IMAP servers, and SMTP gateway.
A sound and reliable technical support – Although VPS account owners are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of their servers, a good VPS account host should provide sound technical support when and if needed.