A DDoS attack is a brute force or subversive attack against a server or computer. The goal of a DDoS attack is to hamper or stop communication between a website, or server and its users. A DDoS has five major ways to accomplish this, Consumption of computational resources, Disruption of configuration information, Disruption of state information, Disruption of physical network components, Obstructing the communication media. Each of these tactics targets a specific part of a network, and exploits its weaknesses. In order to defend against a DDoS attack one has to know what your vulnerabilities are. Once those are defined, then coming up with a counter strike will be much easier.
Defending against attacks like this require more than one line of defense. If only one line of defense is used then the DDoS attack will do as Germany did to France’s Maginot Line, and go around it. Plugging holes in security and over lapping security measures will keep hackers out of a system and keep your server running smoothly. DDoS attacks can also be used to cover up other actions, such as information hijacking, and malware insertion. DDoS attacks can cause critical data, traffic and hardware loss. Shore up the defenses and draw the line, otherwise hackers will storm the gates.