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Author Topic: 24core dedciated server free trial for 10days check it out!!!!!  (Read 2740 times)


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An opportunity extended to you by Datasoft Networks www.datasoft.ws to use our dedicated servers can help you sense a first-hand experience of the remote computing power. You will be able to do a lot more with as much as little effort from your own remote location. Yes!!! , we are offering a 10 day trial for our 24 Core Dedicated servers. These are the best of the variant powerful Dell servers that can be put to a variety of applications such as VOIP, as Database servers OR for any other Virtualization efforts that will unleash its best use even when managed remotely.

Don’t hesitate to use this limited time opportunity visit http://datasoft.ws/ds_plusdedicated.php and kick off your trial for the 24 Core 8 Gb server by using promo-code ‘free24core’ during check out.

*Conditions apply
