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Topics - Ghonts

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I would like to know about the best place to host photo galleries.
I need 5Gb space and 100Gb bandwidth.
My business partner recommended me Gigapros.com, but I still hesitate to be or not to be.
They started to offer special: Write "EIG 50% -CASH-BACK" in notes box  and they will complete free migration.
Any experience with this host? So, what can you suggest me to look at?

Recently I came across various web hosting offers and got to know that Gigapros.com started to offer nice discount:
Write "EIG 50% -CASH-BACK" in notes box  and they will complete free migration.

What are your views on this special offer from gigapros team? Is it reliable web hosting provider?

General Dedicated Server Hosting Discussion / Offshore dedicated servers?
« on: October 12, 2015, 07:20:43 AM »
Hey guys,

I'm looking for a dedicated server.
Can be both managed or unmanaged.
Specs wise I'm looking for at least the following.
4-6 Core Xeon (like L5640 or E5-1650 v2, ect..)
SSD drives (100GB should be good)
16 to 64 GB of RAM
10TB+ Bandwidth
1 Gbit/s connection
What can you tell me about Pirateshosting.com reliability? Are their offshore dedicated servers stable?

Looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks!

I am too tired with my current hosting due too low performance, email problems and weak support.
Please share your suggestions and list me some good VPS hosting names.
I've noticed attractive offers provided by rareservers.com and vpsnine.com, what host would be the best to try?

I have a client who experiences bad experience with Hostgator, here is his post at WHT:
Ok, here's what happened. On August 19, 2015 I noticed that my main website +all websites on addon domains likely hacked into ( I saw some shady mailing script installed that it wasn't there originally) and were deleted, and I that I couldn't log in into the cpanel to check if the backups were available. So, I opened a ticket and 1 hour later Praveen K. answered "Hello, Thank you for contacting HostGator. We have received your request for assistance with your potentially compromised account. An automated scan has been started on your account to obtain more information. Due to the nature of the issue, we ask that no files be changed until we have replied back to this ticket with more details. Please stand by for updates, and let us know if you have questions or concerns regarding your account."

I did have some questions, but, as per Praveen's instructions, I refrained from making any comments and any changes to the files (which weren't there anyway) and let them working on the issue. After two days of total silence on the Hostgator part, on August 21, I couldn't hold it anymore and replied asking if there were any updates. There was still no answer.
Nine days later, On August 30 I sent another reply asking them why I wasn't getting any response from them and that I couldn't log into cpanel. This hasn't been replied to either until now.

I understand that my current shared hosting package is nothing to brag about, but after so many (probably 10 or so) years of positive experience with the company and having had 5-6 different shared hosting accounts with them over the years I would still expect at least a rudimentary level of customer service, particularly that the services have never been free.

I don't know if this downfall should be linked to its acquisition by EIG, but honestly I don't care. My websites were hacked into on the Hostgator's watch and their inability to restore them from a backup and their silence tell me that perhaps there has been no backup done at all and that they are completely phoney and helpless.

I'm out and never coming back.

Oh, and I'm going to make sure everybody I know is warned about Hostgator.
What web hosting providers can you recommend him to look at? Any help, guys?

I would like to find the most reliable place for VPS in New York hosting service.
Have seen that Vpsnine.com offered hosting plans in New York server location.
Do you think that they can be a good option for me?

What alternative can you recommend me for comparison?


I am looking to buy dedicated server at cheap price. I need this for software testing. I need min 2gb Ram with core 2-3 core processor, 100MBPS/1GBPS Port, Bandwidth 2 TB or unlimited, Re-load OS any time, One Snap only, OS Window 7 (I use my own key), Help in enabling RDP, Payment Paypal. Budget $80-100 per server.
I've found several web hosts: Rareservers.com and Hostingsource.com - what hosting provider is better? Why?

Can anyone point me a good place where I will be able to order ssd vps hosting plan? One of my friends suggested me to choose Kvchosting.com. Is it reliable host? Any experiences?

I am in search of reliable place where I can get decent ecommerce hosting service along with backups.
One of my clients expressed really good things about Netyep.com web host.
I am still not sure to trust them or not.
What can you say about them? Any other options for my consideration?

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