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Author Topic: Reliable Offshore hosting solutions?  (Read 2671 times)


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Reliable Offshore hosting solutions?
« on: February 22, 2021, 04:13:50 AM »
I've been searching various hosts, nothing I've tried seems to work for me in terms of free for a webpage. I'm going to pay but want to get the following:

1) Text pages, sort of a medical information site, includes probably about 15 pages of links for solid medical info (like anemias, vitamins, stomach, nerd research articles, etc.) alone. Otherwise probably 25 in total.
2) Some screenshot images of some pdf's. A number of these would be like 100K or less or so.
3) Would need something to help me create the site. I'm an Oracle person not a web person but I can wing some small HTML type stuff.
4) Don't need tons of space, tons of graphics, or MySQL, etc. Ability to contact me from the site would be a good, maybe a form type email but otherwise that's it. No forums or lots of people, this is specialized. Don't need a domain name either.
5) Do want month to month payments if possible or low cost yearly plan types.

What are your views on Speedehost.com offshore hosting solutions? Can I trust them? What other hosts can you recommend for me? Personal web site suggestions

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Because OCT(31) = DEC(25)


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Re: Reliable Offshore hosting solutions?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2021, 05:55:53 AM »
While I have been hosting with speedehost.com for very long period, the service has been reliable and the host has been responsive to all of my questions.
It's a good value, reliable, and service has been better than other offshore hosting providers. Awesome host and service.
You will never have anything you don't respect, including lot's of money!


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Re: Reliable Offshore hosting solutions?
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2021, 11:44:11 PM »
Thank you Ghonts,  its an amazing host for my website.