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Topics - JokerJJ

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I want suggestion who is the best VPS provider with better prices..
RAM Mini 4GB Max 8GB, Technology: Xen or KVM, OS: CentOS, Cpanel/WHM, Processor Good One
SSD: Mini 50GB Max 100GB, I want to host 130-150 corporate customers not heavy. Mostly people use emails.
Budget is around $50-$100 monthly.
Do you know anything about Rockhoster.com hosting? Any reviews?
What reliable and honest vps hosts do you know and can recommend me to try?

I run about 10 WordPress sites. Some are more complex than others (1 is moderately intensive).
I'd like to host all my sites on the same platform, rather than have 1 here, 1 there, etc. I can spend up to $40 a month on hosting. So a few questions:
1) Are there any "premium" shared/cloud hosting platforms out there (I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but some shared hosts are better than others).
2) Should I look at Managed WordPress solutions? Any recommendations?
I am looking to upgrade to something more WordPress friendly. (currently paying about $25/month).
What can you say about Regvps.com hosting solutions? Can I rely on them?


I'm looking for web hosting provider that supports video streaming hosting.
I've seen that Exmasters.com and Neironvps.com have good reputation for providing hosting services.
But how reliable and good are they for streaming video hosting?
Any experience?

What other providers can be good for this?

I have built new Forex Training website that i need to host with a reliable provider
How is Allwebhost.com Forex vps hosting service? any experience dealing with them?
will you point me a good host?

What do you think would be the best place to order Bitcoin dedicated server?
I have seen
Are they the ones that I can trust?

Do you think that http://profvds.com/
is the best VPS provider in Slovakia?
A friend of mine recommended them to me. Can I trust them?

Hello there!
I have been looking for inexpensive VPS in Toronto.
So far I managed to get https://gthost.com/toronto-vps/
Are they good?

Recentry came across Webdock.io Hosting Special for Easter. Decided to share and discuss.
The deals can be purchased from Monday the 3rd of April to Monday the 10th of April both days inclusive.
The EASTERCAMPAIGN2023 Coupon credit expires in 30 days once activated.
+ You can get a full refund within 14 days if you have not used any of your credits.
What are your views on this special? Please share. Any other hosting specials for Easter?

I hope you are familiar with this provider?
I wonder if you know if they have any discounts in Jan 2023?

Dear Sirs,
can you recommend me reliable hosting for a maximum of $25 per month to have ultra fast loading pages.
Please give concrete help because I searched in a variety of companies remained very confused and I apologize in advance to the dictionary because I use a translator.
Would like to know your views on rockhoster.com website hosting solutions?
Thank you for your specific recommendations.

I want dedicated server, please suggest me which provider is good for me as per my requirement.
Budget 140-150$
Processor E3 1230v2, Ram 16GB, Hard Disk 1TB x 2, Bandwidth Normal 3tb, 5tb
Need good uptime and support for OS reload etc.
I searched GTHost.com instant web servers. Do you think I can trust them?
What other hosts can you recommend me to visit?

Hello forum, i'm currently using a human managed server, that i always monitor. So i want to look for a VPS solution that will fit my needs.
First of all it will be running 5 websites, 3 with some traffic and 2 of them almost dead.
When i say traffic, i'm talking about a maximum of 300 users browsing some picture galleries (max 150k each picture) on 3 of the websites.
The rest are static HTML pages, noone will manage them.
Question is, do you think that a 2 core processor, 3gb ram, 100 GB SSD will be enough?
What are your views on Greenwebpage.com solutions? Can I trust them? Any feedbacks?
Thank you!

Hello guys,
I'm looking for a VPS provider on EU node that is using Windows Server for a Good Price I can go Up to 40 euro / month
anyone know where I can find it ? Are QHoster.com and Libertyvps.net solutions reliable? Any reviews, please?

Thanks in advance

I'm coming across https://www.kvchosting.net/cheapvpshosting.html
Do you believe they have the cheapest options?

Are you aware of good RDP service providers?
I managed to find
Is that good?

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